* Indicates Graduate Student Author
** Indicates Undergraduate Student Author
Becker, R., Sayers, M., Dehm, D.*, Shuchman, R., Quintero, K.**, Bosse, K., Sawtell, R., Unmanned aerial system based spectroradiometer for monitoring harmful algal blooms: A new paradigm in water quality monitoring, Journal of Great Lakes Research,
Ortiz, J., Avouris, D., Shiller, S., Luvall, J., Tokars, R., Anderson, R., Shuchman, B., Sayers, M., Becker, R., Evaluating visible derivative spectroscopy by varimax-rotated, principal component analysis of aerial hyperspectral images from the western basin of Lake Erie, Journal of Great Lakes Research,
Ouyang, Z., Qian, S.S., Becker, R. Chen, J., The effects of nutrients on stream invertebrates: A regional estimation by generalized propensity score, Ecol Process (2018) 7: 21.
Gebremichael, E.*, Sultan, M., Becker, R., El Bastawesy, M., Cherif, O., & Emil, M., 2018, Assessing land deformation and sea encroachment in the Nile Delta: A radar interferometric and inundation modeling approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123,
Othman A.*, Sultan, M., Becker, R., Alsefry, S., Alharbi, T., Alharbi, H., Gebremichael, E., Fathy, K., 2018, Use of Geophysical and Remote Sensing Data for Assessment of Aquifer Depletion and Related Land Deformation, Surveys in Geophysics,
Ortiz, J.D., Avouris, D., Schiller, S., Luvall, J., Lekki, J., Tokars, R., Anderson, R., Shuchman, R., Sayers, M., Becker, R., 2017, Intercomparison of Empirical Line Method Vicarious Hyperspectral Reflectance Calibration Methods Front. Mar. Sci. 4:296. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00296
Lekki, J , Anderson, R., Avouris, D., Becker, R.H., Cline, M.T., Leshkevich, G., Liou, L., Luvall, J.C., Ortiz, J.D., Ruberg, S.A., Sawtell, R., Sayers, M., Schiller, S., Shuchman, R.A., Simic, A., Stuart, D.G., Tokars, R., and Vander Woude, A.J., 2017, Airborne Hyperspectral Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms in Great Lakes Region: System Calibration and Validation From Photons to Algal Information: The Processes In-Between, NASA Technical Memorandum
Ouyang*, Z., Shao. C., Chu, H., Becker, R., Bridgeman, T., Stepien, C., John, R., Chen., J., The Effect of Algal Blooms on Carbon Emissions in Western Lake Erie: An Integration of Remote Sensing and Eddy Covariance Measurements, 2017, Remote Sensing, 9(1), 44; doi:10.3390/rs9010044
Shao, C., Chen, J., Stepien, C.A., Chu, H.*, Bridgeman, T., Czajkowski, K., Becker, R.H., Ouyang, Z.*, John, R., 2015, Diurnal to annual carbon, latent and sensible heat fluxes in a Laurentian Great Lake: A case study in western Lake Erie, JGR Biogeosciences, doi:10.1002/2015JG003025
Cousino, L.K.**, Becker, R.H., Zmijewski, K.A.*, Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Water, Sediment, and Nutrient Yields from the Maumee River Watershed, 2015, Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.06.017
Hanes, B.*, Fisher, T.G., Becker, R.H., Martin Hayden, J., 2014, Elucidating paleo dune activity and timing from wetlands in the lee of coastal sand dunes, Grand Mere Lakes, Michigan USA, Geological Society of America Special Papers 508, SPE508-08), doi:10.1130/2014.2508(08)
Ouyang, Z.*, Chen, J., Becker, R.H., Chu, H.*, Chao, C., 2014, Disentangling the confounding effects of PAR and air temperature on net ecosystem exchange in time and scale, Ecological Complexity, v19,pp 46-58, doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2014.04.005
Chu, H.*, Chen, J., Gottgens, J.F., Ouyang Z.*, 2014, John, R., Czajkowski, K., Becker, R.H., Net ecosystem exchanges of CH4 and CO2 at a temperate freshwater marsh and a cropland, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, doi:10.1002/2013JG002520
Becker, R.H., 2014, The Stalled Recovery of the Iraqi Marshes,
Remote Sensing, v6, no2, pp1260-1274, doi:10.3390/rs6021260
Zmijewski, K.*, Becker, R.H., Estimating the effects of
anthropogenic and climate change on water balance in the Aral Sea
watershed using GRACE: 2003-2012, Earth Interactions, v18, no3, doi:10.1175/2013EI000537.1
Zutao, O.*, Becker, R.H., Shaver, W.**, Chen, J., 2013, Evaluating the Sensitivity of Wetlands to Climate Change with Remote Sensing Techniques, Hydrological Processes, doi:10.1002/hyp.9685
Becker, R.H., Zmijewski, K. A.**, Crail, T.*, 2013, Seeing the Forest for the Invasives: Mapping Buckthorn in the Oak Openings, Biological Invasions, v15, no2, pp 315-326, 10.1007/s10530-012-0288-8
Becker, D.B.*, Sultan, M.I., Milewski, A.M., Becker, R.H., Sauck, W., Soliman, F., Yan, E., Chouinard, K.**, Welton, B.**, 2012, A Web-based GIS Solution for the Assessment of Groundwater Potential in Arid Lands: A Case Study from the Egyptian Deserts, Geosphere, v8, no6, pp1588-1605, doi:10.1130/GES00777.1
Sultan,M., Metwally, S., Milewski, A., Becker, D.*, Ahmed, M.*, Sauck, W., Soliman, F., Sturchio, N., Yan, E., Rashed, M.*, Wagdy, A., Becker, R., Welton, B**, 2011, Modern Recharge to Fossil Aquifers: Geochemical, Geophysical, and Modeling Constraints, Journal of Hydrology, v403, no. 1-2, p 14-24, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.03.036
Ahmed, M.*, Sultan, M., Wahr, J., Yan, E., Milewski, A., Sauck, W., Becker, R., Welton, B.**,2011, Integration of GRACE data with traditional datasets for a better understanding of the time dependent water partitioning in African watersheds, Geology, v39, no. 5, p479-482, doi:10.1130/G31812.1
Sultan, M., Yousef, A.F., Metwally, S., Becker, R. H. , Milewski, A., Sauck, W., , Sturchio, N.C., Mohamed, A.M.M.*, Wagdy, A., El Alfy, Z., Becker, D.B.*, Sagintayev, Z.*, El Sayed, M., and Welton, B.**, Red Sea Rifting Controls on Aquifer Distribution: Constraints from Geochemical, Geophysical, and Remote Sensing Data, GSA Bulletin, v. 123, no. 5-6, p. 911-924 ,doi:10.1130/B30146.1
Becker, R.H., Sultan, M.I., Boyer, G.L., Twiss, M.R., and Konopko,
E., 2009, Mapping Cyanobacterial Blooms in the Great Lakes
Using MODIS, Journal of Great Lakes Research,
Becker, R., Sultan, M., 2009, Land Subsidence in the Nile Delta: Inferences
from Radar Interferometry, The Holocene v. 19(6),
Milewski A., Sultan, M., Yan, Y.E., Becker, R., Abdeldayem, A.,
Abdel Gelil, K., 2009, A remote sensing solution for estimating runoff
and recharge in arid environments. J. Hydrol.
Milewski, A., Markondiah Jayaprakash, S., Sultan, M., and Becker, R., RESDEM, a tool for integrating temporal remote sensing data for use in hydrogeologic investigations, Computers in Geosciences, v35(10), doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2009.02.010
Forman, S., Sagintayev, Z., Sultan, M., Smith, S., Becker, R.,
Kendall, M., and Marin, L., 2008, The 20th century migration of parabolic dunes and
wetland formation at Cape Cod National Sea Shore, MA: Landscape
response to a legacy of environmental disturbance, The
Holocene, v. 18(5), pp765-774. doi:10.1177/0959683608091796
Sultan, M., Sturchio, N., El Sefry, S., Milewski, A., Becker, R.,
Nasr, I., Sagentayev, Z., 2008, Geochemical, isotopic, and remote sensing
constraints on the origin and evolution of the Rub Al Khali
aquifer system, Arabian Peninsula, Journal of Hydrology,
v.356(1-2), pp70-83. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.04.001
Jones, C., Sultan, M., Yan, E., Milewski, A., Hussein, M.,
Al-Dousari, A., Al-Kaisy, S., Becker, R., 2008, Hydrologic Impacts of Engineering Projects on the
Tigris-Euphrates System and its Marshlands, Journal of
Hydrology, v. 353(1-2), pp 59-75. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.01.029
Sultan, M., Wagdy, A., Manocha, N., Sauck, W., Abdel Gelil, K.,
Youssef, A.F., Becker, R., Milewski, A., Jones, C., 2008, An Integrated Approach for Identifying Aquifers
in Transcurrent Fault Systems: The Najd Shear System of the
Arabian Nubian Shield, Journal of Hydrology, v. 349(3-4), pp
475-488. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.11.029
Sultan, M. Yan, E., Sturchio, N., Wagdy, A., Abdel Gelil, K.,
Manocha, M., Becker, R., Milewski, A., 2007, Natural
Discharge: A Key to Sustainable Utilization of Fossil Groundwater,
Journal of Hydrology, v.335(1). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.10.034
Becker, R., Sultan, M., Boyer, G., Konopko, E., 2006, Mapping Variations of Algal Blooms in the Lower
Great Lakes, Great Lakes Research Review, v.7, pp.14-17.
Sturchio , N. C., Du, X., Purtschert, R., Lehmann, B. E., Sultan,
M., Patterson, L. J., Lu, Z.-T., Müller, P., Bigler, T., Bailey, K.,
O’Connor, T. P., Young, L., Lorenzo, R., Becker, R., El Alfy, Z., El
Kaliouby, B., Dawood, Y., and Abdallah, A. M. A., 2004, One million year old groundwater in the Sahara
revealed by krypton-81 and chlorine-36, Geophysical Research
Letters, v. 31(5).
Sultan, M., Becker, R., Al-Dousari, A., Al-Ghadban, A.N., Bufano,
E., 2003, Water, Agriculture and Land Cover: Lessons for
the Postwar Era. Geotimes, v.48(10), pp. 22-24.
Sultan, M., Fiske, M., Stein, T., Gamal, M., Abdel Hady, Y., El
Araby, H., El Araby, T., Madani, A., Mehanee, S., and Becker, R.,
1999, Satellite-based monitoring of urbanization in the Nile Delta,
Egypt,Ambio, v. 28, pp. 628-631.
Luo, W., Arvidson, R.E., Sultan, M., Becker, R., Crombie, M.,
Sturchio, N., El Alfy, Z., 1997, Groundwater Sapping Processes, Western Desert,
Egypt, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.109(1), pp.
Arvidson, R.E., Becker, R., Shanabrook, A., Luo, W., Sturchio, N.,
Sultan, M., Lofty, Z., Mahmood, A.M., El Alfy, Z., 1994, Climatic, Eustatic, and Tectonic Controls on
Quaternary Deposits and Landforms, Red Sea Coast, Egypt,
Journal of Geophysical Research, v.99, pp 12175-12190.
Sultan, M., Becker, R., Arvidson, R.E., Shore, P., Stern, R.J., El
Alfy, Z., Attia, R.I., 1993, New
constraints on Red Sea Rifting from correlations of Arabian and
Nubian Neoproterozoic outcrops, Tectonics v.12, pp. 1303 -
Schandelmeier, H., Wipfler, E., Kuster, D., Sultan, M., Becker, R.,
Stern, R.J., Abdelsalam, M.G., 1994, The Atmur-Delgo suture: A
Neoproterozoic oceanic basin extending into the interior of North
Africa, Geology, v. 22, pp.563-566.
Sultan. M., Stern, R.J., Arvidson, R.E., Shore, P., Becker, R.,
1993, Reply to comment by W. Bosworth on Nature of the Red Sea
crust: A controversy revisited. Geology, v. 21, pp. 575-576.
Sultan, M., Becker, R., Arvidson, R.E., Shore, P., Stern, R.J., El Alfy, Z., Guinness, E.A., 1992, Nature of the Red Sea Crust: a controversy revisited, Geology v. 20, pp. 593 – 596.
Book Chapters
Becker, R.H., Zmijewski, K. A.*, Land Use and Land Cover Change in Drylands East Asia, in Dryland East Asia (DEA): Land Dynamics Amid Social and Climate Change Editors: Jiquan Chen, Shiqiang Wan, Geoffrey Henebry, Jiaguo Qi, Garik Gutman, Ge Sun, Martin Kappas, pp.63-82.
Sultan, M., Ahmed, M., Sturchio, N., Eugene, Y., Milewski, A., Becker, R., Wahr, J., Becker, D., Chouinard, K., 2012, Assessment of the Vulnerabilities of the Nubian Sandstone Fossil Aquifer, North Africa, in (F. Hossain, Editor), Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources, Elsevier Sciences. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-384703-4.00531-1
Sultan, M., Becker, R., Arvidson, R.E., Shore, P., Stern, R.J., El Alfy, Z., Attia, R.I., 1993, New constraints on Red Sea Rifting: In U. Thorweihe and H. Schandelmeier (eds.), Geoscientific research in northeast Africa, A.A.A. Balkema, Netherlands, pp. 249-254.