Table 1: Translations of the hieratic texts on the map side of the Turin

  papyrus (adapted from Harrell and Brown 1992: Table 1)



Number1  Translation


     1            the road that leads to the sea


     2            another road that leads to the sea


3            the road of Tent-p-mer [the translation of the last word is uncertain –

it may be the name of an unknown locality or it may mean ‘treasurer’ or ‘harbor’]


     4            mountains of gold


     5            mountains of gold


     6            the houses of the gold-working settlement


     7            cistern [or ‘water reservoir’; the text is written on top of the water sign]


8            stela of Menma’atre, life, health and prosperity! [king Sety I, 1290-1279 BC,

of the New Kingdom’s 19th Dynasty]2


9            the road of Ta-menti [the last word is apparently the name of an unknown locality]


     10          the shrine of Amun of the pure mountain


     11          the mountains in which gold is worked, they are colored pink


12          mountains of gold and silver [or perhaps ‘mountains of electrum’, where electrum

is a natural mixture of gold and silver]


     13          …the hill of Amun


     14          the hill where Amun rests


     15          [not translatable; appears to be part of a name for some locality]


16          [too fragmentary to translate, but it appears to be comments on travel from one

unnamed locality to another; a travel time of  ‘one day’ and ‘gold’ are mentioned]


16’         mountains of gold [appears to be a continuation of 16 but is a separate text]


17          distance from the gold-working settlement to the mountain of bekheny,…khet

[this text is repeated three times, apparently for emphasis; the distance in units

of khet is missing]3,4


18          …the bekheny-stone that is found in the mountain of bekheny, the king…[name

lost] life, health, prosperity, having sent the great magistrates to bring the portrait

statue of bekheny-stone…to Egypt. They deposited it in the Place of Truth beside

the Temple of Userma’atre setepenre, the great God [i.e., near the Valley of Kings

at the mortuary temple of Ramesses II, 1279-1213 BC, of the New Kingdom’s 19th

Dynasty; also known as the Ramesseum]…left it at the enclosure of the Tomb and

there it lay being half worked in year 63


19          [not translatable]


20          the place in which they work in the great business of bekhen-stone which was

established as a quarry


     21          the measurement of this…


     22          [not translatable]


23          …of stone that is pulled by men from the east…3 cubits wide [about 1.6 m]4


24          bekheny


25          breadth of 2 cubits, 2 palms [about 1.2 m]; thickness of 2 cubits, 3 palms…fingers

[about 1.3 m]


26          breadth of 2 cubits [about 1.0 m]; thickness of 2 cubits


27          …palms…fingers


28          …palms; thickness of 2 cubits…palms


1 See Figures 2 or 4 for locations of texts. Note that “…” indicates missing text, untranslated

ancient Egyptian words are italicized, and comments are given within brackets.


2 All dates in this article are taken from p. 36-37 of Baines and Malek (2000).


3 Texts 17 and 18 are written in a script that is bold, calligraphic and near-hieroglyphic in style.

All other texts are written in a less elaborate hieratic script.


4 The ancient Egyptian units of measure are as follows: 1 khet = 100 cubits; 1 cubit (the

standardized distance from the elbow to the tip of the longest finger) = 7 palms (palm widths)

= 28 fingers (finger widths); 1 cubit = 52.31 cm, 1 palm = 7.47 cm, 1 finger = 1.87 cm.