I left my heart in - San Francisco!

San Francisco Bay (center) with a fault to the right (San Andreas) and 2 faults to the east (Hayward and Calaveras).  An old James Bond flick had the bad guy flooding a mine to trigger a big earthquake along both fault systems, dropping Silicon Valley into the bay.  Which Bond episode was that?

San Andreas Lake occupies the low formed by the fault zone and gave its name to the fault following the 1906 earthquake, which ruptured through the area now occupied by a residential development to the northwest (a finger of the lake points out the fault).

View back to San Andreas Lake from over the Pacific Ocean.  Fault gouge makes for landslides along the coast, but most local newscasts reporting landslides avoid mentioning the fact that these slides are due to smashed rocks of the San Andreas fault.

The Hayward fault marks the right side of this high ground, the Calaveras fault the east side.


The line marking the edge of densely developed flat ground and the first rise into the hills is the Hayward fault, along which many schools and fire stations were located during rapid development of the 1950s and 1960s.

The Hayward fault runs bottom right to upper left-of-center, through the Cal Berkeley football stadium.  This stretch of the Hayward fault creeps - moves a cm or so each year, which will ultimately convert the oval stadium into an "S" shape ("S" for Stanford?)

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