(revised March 2025)


Birth date: September 17, 1948
Birth place: Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.


B.A. cum laude, Phi Kappa Phi (Earth Science with minor emphasis in Archaeology): California State University at Fullerton, 1971 [University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1968-69]

M.S. (Geology): University of Oklahoma, Norman, 1976

Ph.D. (Geology): University of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1983


1. 9/67-6/68, 9/69-8/71: student assistant, California State University at Fullerton

2. 9/71-5/74: teaching and research assistant, University of Oklahoma

3. 9/74-6/78: teaching and research assistant, University of Cincinnati

4. 6/75-9/75: exploration geologist (summer position), Amoco Production Company, Houston, Texas

5. 8/76-9/76: consulting geologist/mud logger (summer position), Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company, Cincinnati, Ohio

6. 9/79-present: faculty member, Department of Environmental Sciences (originally Department of 'Geology' and later 'Earth, Ecological & Environmental Sciences'), University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio (9/79-6/85, Assistant Professor; 7/85-3/92, Associate Professor; 4/92-5/09, Full Professor; 6/09-present, Professor Emeritus)


1. American Research Center in Egypt

2. Archeological Institute of America 

3. Sudan Archaeological Research Society

4. Egypt Exploration Society


1. Sedimentary geology

2. Geological statistics

3. Archaeological geology of Egypt, northern Sudan and other Middle Eastern countries, especially ancient quarries for ornamental and building stones, and ancient mines for gemstones.


Books Published

Harrell, J. A. 2008. Physical Geology Laboratory Exercises (revised 2nd ed.; 185 p.). Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.

Harrell, J. A. 2024. Archaeology and Geology of Ancient Egyptian Stones. (2 vols.; 1049 p.) Volume I: Archaeological and Geological Background; Building and Utilitarian Stones. Volume II: Ornamental Stones, Gemstones, and Metals. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Harrell, J. A. 2025. Archaeological Stones and their Macroscopic Identification. (269 p.) Oxford: Archaeopress.

Papers Published in Archaeological Geology (111)

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1989. Oldest geologic map is Turin papyrus. Geotimes, v. 34, n. 3, p.  10‑11 (see also p. 6 in v. 35, no. 2 of Geotimes for our reply to a letter on p. 9‑10 in v. 34, no. 10). [brief notes describing this research were also published in National Geographic Magazine, Nov. 1989, v. 176, no. 5, Geographica section; and in Earth Science, 1988, v. 41, no. 4, p. 5]

Harrell, J. A. 1989. An inventory of ancient Egyptian quarries. Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt, n. 146, p. 1‑7 plus cover photo  (also reprinted, in part, in the Newsletter of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, 1990, v. 3, no. 2, p. 3 and 5-8).

Harrell, J. A. 1990. Misuse of the term "alabaster" in Egyptology. Göttinger Miszellen, Beiträge zur  Ägyptologischen Diskussion, n. 119, p. 37‑42.

Harrell, J. A., C. B. Hatfield and G. R. Gunn. 1991. The Mississippian System of the Michigan Basin —  stratigraphy, sedimentation and economic geology. In P. A. Catacosinos and P. A. Daniels, Jr. (eds.), Early Sedimentary Evolution of the Michigan Basin, p. 203-219. Geological Society of America Special Paper 256.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1992. The world's oldest surviving geological map — the 1150 BC Turin papyrus from Egypt. Journal of Geology, v. 100, p. 3-18. [Note: This was the lead article in the Journal's 100th anniversary issue and was also the first article in the Journal's history to include a color illustration.]

Harrell, J. A. 1992. An ancient Egyptian map. In J. Ingram, D. Herridge and N. Moore (eds), Explore! A Book of Science (for Grade 4), p. 168-171. Toronto: Addison-Wesley Publications.

Harrell, J. A. 1992. Ancient Egyptian limestone quarries — a petrological survey. Archaeometry, v. 34, n. 2, p. 195-212.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1992. The oldest surviving topographical map from ancient Egypt (Turin Papyri 1879, 1899 and 1969). Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, v. 29, p. 81-105.

Harrell, J. A. 1993. Book review of “Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade, and Provenance” (by Waelkens et al., eds, 1992). Geoarchaeology, v. 8, n. 4, p. 339-340.

Harrell, J. A. and B. E. Penrod. 1993. The great pyramid debate — evidence from the Lauer sample. Journal of Geological Education, v. 41, n. 4, p. 358-363 [see also p. 195-198 in v. 42 of JGE for my reply to a rebuttal of this paper on p. 364-369 in v. 41].

Harrell, J. A. 1994. The Sphinx controversy — another look at the geological evidence. KMT Magazine, v. 5, n. 2, p. 70-74 (see also p. 3-4 in v. 5, n. 3 of KMT for my reply to a rebuttal of this paper on p. 5-7 in v. 5, n. 2). [I also presented my views on "Who Built the Sphinx?", a program in the ARCHAEOLOGY television series that aired on the Learning and Discovery channels in 1994, and again on "Egyptian Sphinx – What's Under the Ancient Sphinx?", a program in the ENCOUNTERS WITH THE UNEXPLAINED television series that aired on the PAX-TV channel in 2002]

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1994. Chephren's Quarry in the Nubian Desert of Egypt. Nubica, v. 3, pt. 1, p. 43-57.

Harrell, J. A. 1995. Ancient Egyptian origins of some common rock names. Journal of Geological Education, v. 43, n. 1, p. 30-34.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1995. Topographical and petrological survey of ancient Roman quarries in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. In Y. Maniatis, N. Herz and Y. Bassiakis (eds.), The Study of Marble and Other Stones Used in Antiquity — ASMOSIA III, Athens, p. 221-234. Transactions of the 3rd International Symposium of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity. London: Archetype Publications, Ltd.

Harrell, J. A. and T. M. Bown. 1995. An Old Kingdom basalt quarry at Widan el-Faras and the quarry road to Lake Moeris in the Faiyum, Egypt. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, v. 32, p. 71-91.

Bown, T. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1995. The oldest paved road, Faiyum Depression, Egypt. The Ostracon, v. 6, n. 3, p. 1-4.

Harrell, J. A. 1996. Geology. In S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1995 — Preliminary Report on the 1995 Excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) and the Survey of the Eastern Desert, p. 99-126. Leiden: Centre for Non-Western Studies, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands.

Harrell, J. A., V. M. Brown and M. S. Masoud. 1996. Survey of ancient Egyptian quarries. Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority, Paper no. 72, 31 p.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1998. Aswan granite and granodiorite. Göttinger Miszellen, Beiträge zur Ägyptologischen Diskussion, n. 164, p. 33-39.

Harrell, J. A. 1998. Geology. In S. E. Sidebotham and W. Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1996 — Report of the Excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) and the Survey of the Eastern Desert, p. 121-148. Leiden: Centre for Non-Western Studies, Leiden University.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1999. A late-period quarry for naoi in the Eastern Desert. Egyptian Archaeology, n. 14, p. 18-20.

Harrell, J. A. 1999. Geology. In S. E. Sidebotham and W. Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1997 — Report of the Excavations at Berenike and the Survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, Including Excavations at Shenshef, p. 107-121. Leiden: Centre for Non-Western Studies, Leiden University.

Schijns, W. H. M., J. D. Kila and J. A. Harrell. 1999. Architectural Observations. In S. E. Sidebotham and W. Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1997 — Report of the Excavations at Berenike and the Survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, Including Excavations at Shenshef, p. 95-105. Leiden: Centre for Non-Western Studies, Leiden University.

Harrell, J. A., V. M. Brown and L. Lazzarini. 1999. Two newly discovered Roman quarries in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. In M. Schvoerer (ed.), Archeomateriaux, Marbres et Autre Roches — Actes de la Conference Internationale ASMOSIA IV, 9-13 Octobre 1995, p. 285-292. Bordeaux: Centre de Recherche en Physique Appliquée à L'Archéologie, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.

Harrell, J. A. 1999. Ancient stone quarries at the Third and Fourth Nile Cataracts, northern Sudan. Sudan and Nubia, n. 3, p. 21-27.

Harrell, J. A. 1999. The Tumbos quarry at the Third Nile Cataract, northern Sudan. In D.A. Welsby (ed.), Recent Research in Kushite History and Archaeology — Proceedings of the 8th International Conference for Meroitic Studies, p. 239-250. British Museum Occasional Paper No. 131.

Aston, B. G., J. A. Harrell and I. Shaw. 2000. Stones. In P.T. Nicholson and I. Shaw (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology, p. 5-77. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.

Harrell, J. A. 2000. Petrology and provenance of limestone used for the Coptos-Hierakonpolis sculptures (p. 237-239, an appendix to “The Colossi from the early shrine at Coptos in Egypt” by B. Kemp and A. Boyce). Cambridge Archaeological Journal, v. 10, no. 2, p. 211-244.

Harrell, J. A., V. M. Brown and M. S. Masoud. 2000. Early Dynastic quarry for stone vessels at Gebel Manzal el-Seyl, Eastern Desert. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, v. 86, p. 33-42 & plates IV-V.

Harrell, J. A., 2001. Calcite. In D. B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, p. 223-224 (vol. 1). London/New York: Oxford University Press.

Harrell, J. A. 2001. Diorite and Related Rocks. In D. B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, p. 395-396 (vol. 1). London/New York: Oxford University Press.

Harrell, J. A. 2001. Cartography. In D. B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, p. 239-241 (vol. 1). London/New York: Oxford University Press.

Kumar, A., J. A. Harrell and A. G. Heydinger. 2001. Ohio goes online to combat indoor radon. Environmental Manager, Feb. 2001 issue, p. 30-32.

Harrell, J. A. 2001. Ancient quarries near Amarna. Egyptian Archaeology, n. 19, p. 36-38.

Sidebotham, S. E., H. Barnard, J. A. Harrell and R. S. Tomber. 2001. The Roman quarry and installations in Wadi Umm Wikala and Wadi Semna. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, v. 87, p. 135-170.

Harrell, J. A. and M. D. Lewan. 2002. Sources of mummy bitumen in ancient Egypt and Palestine. Archaeometry, v. 44, pt. 2, p. 285-293.

Harrell, J. A. and L. Lazzarini. 2002. A new variety of granito bianco e nero from Wadi Barud, Egypt. In J. J. Herrmann, N. Herz and R. Newman (eds.), ASMOSIA 5 – Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone" (Proceedings of Fifth International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1998, p. 47-51. London: Archetype Publications, Ltd.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 2002. Rock sawing at a Roman diorite quarry, Wadi Umm Shegilat, Egypt. In J. J. Herrmann, N. Herz and R. Newman (eds.), ASMOSIA 5 – Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone" (Proceedings of Fifth International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1998, p. 52-57. London: Archetype Publications, Ltd.

Harrell, J. A. 2002. Pharaonic stone quarries in the Egyptian deserts. In R. Friedman (ed.), Egypt and Nubia — Gifts of the Desert, p. 232-243. London: British Museum Press.

Harrell, J. A., V. M. Brown and L. Lazzarini. 2002. Breccia verde antica – source, petrology and ancient uses. In L. Lazzarini (ed.), Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone – ASMOSIA VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Venice, June 15-18, 2000, p. 207-218. Padua: Bottega d'Erasmo - Aldo Ausilio Editore.

Harrell, J. A., L. Lazzarini and M. Bruno. 2002. Reuse of Roman ornamental stones in medieval Cairo, Egypt. In L. Lazzarini (ed.), Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone – ASMOSIA VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Venice, June 15-18, 2000, p. 89-96. Padua: Bottega d'Erasmo - Aldo Ausilio Editore.

Wendrich, W. Z, R. S. Tomber, S. E. Sidebotham, J. A. Harrell, R. T. J. Cappers and R. S. Bagnall. 2003. Berenike crossroads – the integration of information. Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, v. 46, n. 1, p. 46-87. [republished as Chapter 2 (pp. 15-66) in N. Yoffee and B.L. Crowell (eds.). 2006. Excavating Asian History. Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and History. Tucson: University of Arizona Press].

Bagnall, R. S. and J. A. Harrell. 2003. Knekites. Chronique d'Égypte, v. 78, p. 229-235.

Harrell, J. A. 2003. Book review of “The Roman Imperial Quarries Survey and Excavation at Mons Porphyrites, 1994-1998. Volume I, Topography and Quarries" (by V. A. Maxfield and D. P. S. Peacock, eds., 2001). Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, v. 89, p. 280-283.

Harrell, J. A. 2004. Book review of "The Roman Imperial Quarries Survey and Excavation at Mons Porphyrites, 1994-1998. Volume I, Topography and Quarries" (by V. A. Maxfield and D. P. S. Peacock, eds., 2001). Journal of Near Eastern Studies, v. 63, n. 3, p. 221-224.

Harrell, J. A. 2004. A stone vessel quarry at Gebel Umm Naqqat. Egyptian Archaeology, n. 24, p. 34-36.

Harrell, J. A. 2004. Flawed geochemistry used to condemn James inscription. Biblical Archaeology Review, v. 30, n. 1, p. 38-41.

Harrell, J. A. 2004. Petrographic investigation of Coptic limestone sculptures and reliefs in the Brooklyn Museum of Art. PalArch Journal of the Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-16.

Sidebotham, S. E., H. M. Nouwens, A. M. Hense and J. A. Harrell. 2004. Preliminary report on archaeological fieldwork at Sikait (Eastern Desert of Egypt) and environs in 2002-2003. Sahara, v. 15, p. 7-30.

Harrell, J. A. 2004. Archaeological geology of the world's first emerald mine. Geoscience Canada, v. 31, n. 2, p. 69-76.

Harrell, J. A. 2004. Ornamental stones used in the zawiya/sabil of Farag Ibn Barquq in the Bab Zuwayla area of Cairo. Bulletin of the American Research Center in Egypt, n. 185, p. 18-23.

Harrell, J. A. and S. E. Sidebotham. 2004. Wadi Abu Diyeiba – an amethyst quarry in Egypt’s Eastern Desert. Minerva, v. 15, n. 6, p. 12-14.

Sidebotham, S. E., G. T. Mikhail, J. A. Harrell and R. S. Bagnall. 2004 (but actually publ’d in 2007). A water temple at Bir Abu Safa (Eastern Desert, Egypt). Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, v. 41, p. 149-159.

Harrell, J. A. 2005. Porfido Rosso Laterizio and the discovery of its source in Wadi Abu Gerida, Egypt. Marmora – An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones, v. 1, p. 35-46.

Harrell, J. A. and M. I. Madbouly. 2006. An ancient quarry for siliceous sandstone at Wadi Abu Aggag, Egypt. Sahara, n. 17, p. 51-58.

Seeger, J. A., S. E. Sidebotham, J. A. Harrell and M. Pons. 2006. A brief archaeological survey of the Aqiq region (Red Sea coast), Sudan. Sahara, n. 17, p. 7-18.

Harrell, J. A. 2006. Archaeological geology of Wadi Sikait. PalArch Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, v. 4, n. 1, p. 1-12.

Harrell, J. A., S. E. Sidebotham, R. S. Bagnall, S. Marchand, J. E. Gates, and J.-L. Rivard. 2006. The Ptolemaic to early Roman amethyst quarry at Abu Diyeiba in Egypt’s Eastern Desert. Bulletin de l’Institut Francais d’Archéologie Orientale, v. 106, p. 127-162.

Harrell, J. A. and A. F. Osman. 2007. Ancient amazonite quarries in the Eastern Desert. Egyptian Archaeology, n. 30, p. 26-28.

Harrell, J. A., M. A. T. M. Broekmans and D. I. Godfrey-Smith. 2007. The origin, destruction and restoration of colour in Egyptian travertine. Archaeometry, v. 49, p. 421-436.

Harrell, J. A. 2007. Geology. In S. E. Sidebotham and W. Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1999/2000 — Report on the Excavations at Berenike, Including Excavations in Wadi Kalalat and Siket, and the Survey of the Mons Smaragdus Region, p. 166-174. Los Angels: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California at Los Angeles.

Harrell, J. A. 2007. Building and ornamental stones of the Awam (Mahram Bilqis) Temple in Marib, Yemen. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, v. 18, p. 182-192.

Harrell, J. A. 2007. The lygdos of Arabia Felix. Marmora – An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones, v. 3, p. 9-20.

Harrell, J. A. 2008 (revised 2015). Stone in ancient Egypt. In H. Selin (ed.), Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (2nd ed.), p. 2022-2026 (pt. 19). Dordrecht: Springer.

Harrell, J. A. 2008 (revised 2015). Tools used in ancient Egyptian construction. Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (2nd ed.), p. 2158-2166 (pt. 20). Dordrecht: Springer.

Harrell, J. A. 2008 (revised 2014). Maps and mapmaking in Egypt – Turin papyrus map. Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (2nd ed.), p. 1292-1301 (pt. 13). Dordrecht: Springer.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 2008. Discovery of a medieval Islamic industry for steatite cooking vessels in Egypt’s Eastern Desert. In Y. M. Rowan and J. R. Ebeling (eds.), New Approaches to Old Stones – Recent Studies of Ground Stone Artifacts, p. 41-65. London: Equinox Archaeology Books.

Harrell, J. A. 2009. The Bokari granodiorite quarry in Egypt's Eastern Desert. In Y. Maniatis (ed.), ASMOSIA VII, Actes du VIIe colloque international de l’ASMOSIA Thasos 15-20 septembre 2003 – Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, p. 175-186. École Francaise D’Athènes, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique supplement no. 51.

Storemyr, P., T. Heldal, E. Bloxam and J. A. Harrell. 2009. New evidence of small-scale Roman basalt quarrying in Egypt: Widan el-Faras in the northern Faiyum Desert and Tilal Sawda by El-Minya. In Y. Maniatis (ed.), ASMOSIA VII, Actes du VIIe colloque international de l’ASMOSIA Thasos 15-20 septembre 2003 – Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, p. 243-256. École Francaise D’Athènes, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique supplement no. 51.

Harrell, J. A. 2009. Book review of “Stone Vessels in the Levant” (by R. T. Sparks, 2007). American Journal of Archaeology, v. 113, n. 2; online at (

Harrell, J. A. and P. Storemyr. 2009. Ancient Egyptian quarries – an illustrated overview. In N. Abu Jaber, E. G. Bloxam, P. Degryse and T. Heldal (eds.), QuarryScapes: Ancient Stone Quarry Landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean, p. 7-50. Norwegian Geological Survey of Norway, Special Publication no. 12.

Knox, R.W. O’B., R. Stadelmann, J. A. Harrell, T. Heldal and H. Sourouzian. 2009. Mineral fingerprinting of Egyptian siliceous sandstones and the quarry source of the Colossi of Memnon. In N. Abu Jaber, E. G. Bloxam, P. Degryse and T. Heldal (eds.), QuarryScapes: Ancient Stone Quarry Landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean, p. 77-85. Norwegian Geological Survey of Norway, Special Publication no. 12.

Harrell, J. A. 2010. Gemstones. In A. J. Veldmeijer (ed.), Tutankhamun’s Footwear – Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear, p. 149-151. Norg: DrukWare.

Thoresen, L. and J. A. Harrell. 2010. Archaeogemology of amazonite. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Sinkankas Symposium – Gem Feldspars (April 17, 2010), p. 58-62. Fallbrook: Pala International.

Sidebotham, S. E., R. I. Thomas and J. A. Harrell. 2010. The El-Kab and Nuri-Hamdab / Fourth Cataract Survey, January 2006. In W. Godlewski and A. Lajtar (eds.), Between the Cataracts – Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Nubian Studies, Warsaw University, 27 August – 2 September 2006 (Vol. 2, Pt. 2/1, Session Papers), p. 77-110. Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw.

Harrell, J. A. 2010. Archeaological geology of Hosh el-Guruf, Fourth Nile Cataract, Sudan. Gadansk Archaeological Museum African Reports, v. 7, p. 71-84.

Harrell, J. A. and E. Bloxam. 2010. Egypt’s evening emerald. Minerva, v. 21, n. 6, p. 16-19.

Kelany, A., J. A. Harrell and V. M. Brown. 2010. Dolerite pounders – petrology, sources and use. Lithic Technology, v. 35, n. 2, p. 127-148.

Harrell, J. A. 2010. An early Roman quarry for anhydrite and gypsum near Wadi el-Anba’ut, Red Sea coast (Egypt). MARMORA – An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones, v. 6, p. 45-56.

Harrell, J. A. 2011. Old Testament gemstones – a philological, geological and archaeological assessment of the Septuagint. Bulletin for Biblical Research, v. 21, n. 2, p. 141-172.

Harrell, J. A. 2012. Ancient Egypt’s Gemstones. Ancient Egypt, v. 12, n. 6, p. 14-21 .

Harrell, J. A. 2012. Book review of “Hatnub: Quarrying Travertine in Ancient Egypt” (by I. Shaw, 2010). Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, v. 98, p. 320-323.

Harrell, J. A. 2012. Gems from the Red Land. The Pegmatite, Bulletin of the San Diego Mineral and Gem Society, v. 66, n. 3, p. 14-21.

Harrell, J. A. 2012. Utilitarian Stones. In W. Wendrich (ed.), UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Los Angeles: University of California at Los Angeles. [online at]

Harrell, J. A. 2012. Building Stones. In W. Wendrich (ed.), UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Los Angeles: University of California at Los Angeles. [online at]

Harrell, J. A. 2012. Gemstones. In W. Wendrich (ed.), UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Los Angeles: University of California at Los Angeles. [online at]

Harrell, J. A. 2012. Ornamental Stones. In W. Wendrich (ed.), UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Los Angeles: University of California at Los Angeles. [online at]

Harrell, J. A. 2013 (revised 2023). Mineralogy. In A. Erskine, D. B. Hollander and A. Papaconstantinou (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, p. 4514-4515. New York: Blackwell. [DOI:10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah21217.pub2]

Harrell, J. A. 2013 (revised 2023). Bitumen, ancient Egypt. In A. Erskine, D. B. Hollander and A. Papaconstantinou (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, p. 1141-1142. New York: Blackwell. [DOI:10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah15066.pub2]

Harrell, J. A. 2013 (revised 2023). Gebel el-Silsila. In A. Erskine, D. B. Hollander and A. Papaconstantinou (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, p. 2865. New York: Blackwell. [DOI:10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah15171.pub2]

Storemyr, P. and J. A. Harrell. 2013. The ancient stone quarry landscapes of Egypt: proposal for a new serial World Heritage Site. In Ghabbour, S. (ed.), Proceedings of the Twin Workshops on Harmonization of African World Heritage Tentative Lists, Cairo 16-18 March and 29-30 May 2010, p. 281-329. Cairo: Egyptian UNESCO Commission for Education, Science and Culture in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund, South Africa.

Harrell, J. A. and P. Storemyr. 2013. Limestone and sandstone quarrying in ancient Egypt: tools, methods, and analogues. Marmora -- An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones, v. 9, p. 19-43.

Harrell, J. A. 2014. Discovery of the Red Sea source of Topazos (ancient gem peridot) on Zabargad Island, Egypt. In L. Thoresen (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Sinkankas Symposium -- Peridot and Uncommon Green Gem Minerals (April 5, 2014), p. 16-30. Fallbrook: Pala International.

Thoresen, L. and J. A. Harrell. 2014. Archaeogemology of peridot. In L. Thoresen (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Sinkankas Symposium -- Peridot and Uncommon Green Gem Minerals (April 5, 2014), p. 31-51. Fallbrook: Pala International.

Bloxam, E., J. Harrell, A. Kelany, N. Moloney, A. El-Senussi and A. Tohamey. 2014. Investigating the Predynastic origins of greywacke working in the Wadi Hammamat. Archéo-Nil – Revue de la Société pour l’Étude des Cultures Prépharaoniques de la Vallée du Nil, n. 24, p. 11-30.

Harrell, J. A. 2015. Report on geological prospection in the vicinity of Amarna. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, v. 100, p. 25-33.

Harrell, J. A. and R. E. Mittelstaedt. 2015. Newly discovered Middle Kingdom forts in Lower Nubia. Sudan & Nubia, n. 19, p. 30-39.

Harrell, J. A. 2016. Varieties and sources of sandstone used in ancient Egyptian temples. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture, v. 1, p. 11-37. [online at]

Harrell, J. A. 2016. Mapping the Tura-Masara limestone quarries. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, v. 52, p. 199-214.

Harrell, J. A. 2017. Amarna gypsite: a new source of gypsum for ancient Egypt. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v. 11, p. 536-545.

Harrell, J. A. 2017. A preliminary overview of ancient Egyptian stone beads. Palarch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, v. 14, n. 2, p. 1-16 (online at

Harrell, J. A., J. K. Hoffmeier and K. F. Williams. 2017. Hebrew gemstones in the Old Testament: a lexical, geological and archaeological analysis. Bulletin for Biblical Research, v. 27, n. 1, p. 1-52.

Harrell, J. A. 2017. Violence in Earth, Water and Sky: Geological Hazards. In P. P. Creasman and R. H. Wilkinson (eds.), Pharaoh's Land and Beyond – Ancient Egypt and Its Neighbors, p. 284-298. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Harrell, J. A. 2018. The Amarna ring road: a new interpretation. The Akhetaten Sun – Newsletter of the Amarna Research Foundation, v. 24, n. 1, p. 16-24.

Harrell, J. A. and S. E. Sidebotham. 2018. Wadi Barud North: a new Roman quarry and stone from Egypt’s Eastern Desert. Marmora – An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones, v. 14, p. 53-75.

Harrell, J. A. 2019. Geology. In S. E. Sidebotham and J. Gates-Foster (eds.), The Archaeological Survey of the Desert Roads between Berenike and the Nile Valley: Expeditions by the University of Michigan and the University of Delaware to the Eastern Desert of Egypt, 1987-2015, p. 51-72. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research, Archaeological Report no. 26.

Harrell, J. A. 2021. Geology of Nubia and Surrounding Regions (Chapter 3). In G. Emberling and B. Williams (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia, p. 49-62. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Harrell, J. A. and A. A. Mohamed. 2021. Exploitation of Geological Resources: ancient mines and quarries in Nubia (Chapter 47). In G. Emberling and B. Williams (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia, p. 955-973. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Woźniak, M. A. and J. A. Harrell. 2021. When the well runs dry: climate instability and the abandonment of Early Hellenistic Berenike. Antiquity, v. 95, n. 380, p. 349-366.

Harrell, J. A. 2021. Berenike’s building stone (p. 21-22). In S. E. Sidebotham, I. Zych, R. Ast, O. E. Kaper, M. Bergmann, A. Carannante, M. Osypińska, J. A. Harrell, R. Kucharczyk, R. S. Tomber and E. Soriga (collective authors). Results of the winter 2020 excavation season at Berenike (Red Sea coast), Egypt. Thetis – Mannheimer Beiträge zur Archäologie und Geschichte der antiken Mittelmeerkulturen, v. 26, p. 13-23.

Harrell, J. A. Gebel Rokham: an Egyptian source of white marble during the Graeco-Roman period. Marmora, v. 18, p.63-72 and 189-190.

Cech, B. and J. A. Harrell. 2023. Quarrying and building materials. In T. Rehren and E. Nikita (eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Harrell, J. A. 2024. Faking it: the New Kingdom's faux-stone funerary vessels. Ancient Egypt, n. 144, p. 12-19.

Harrell, J. A. 2024. Archaeological Geology of Jurash, 'Asir Province, southwestern Saudi Arabia. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, open access 

Papers Published in Other Areas of Geology

Harrell, J. A. and H. Blatt. 1978. Polycrystallinity — effect on the durability of detrital quartz. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 48, p. 25‑30.

Harrell, J. A. and K. Eriksson. 1979. Empirical conversion equations for thin‑section and sieve derived size distribution statistics. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 49, p. 273‑280.

Briskin, M. and J. A. Harrell. 1980. Time‑series analysis of the Pleistocene deep‑sea paleoclimatic record. Marine Geology, v. 36, p. 1‑22.

Pryor, W., B. Maynard, R. Kepferle and J. A. Harrell. 1980. Jabez Sandstone — a new member of the Fort  Payne Formation (Mississippian), southeastern Kentucky. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1502‑A, p. 104‑109.

Harrell, J. A. 1981. Measurement errors in the thin‑section analysis of grain packing. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 51, p. 674‑676.

Harrell, J. A. 1984. Roller micrometer analysis of grain shape. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 54, p. 643‑645.

Harrell, J. A. 1984. A visual comparator for degree of sorting in thin and plane sections. Journal of  Sedimentary Petrology, v. 54, p. 646‑650 (see also p. 624‑626 in v. 55 of JSP for my reply to a discussion of this paper on p. 621‑623 in v. 55).

Harrell, J. A. 1987. The analysis of bivariate association.  Chap. 9 (p. 142‑165) in W. B. Size (ed.), Use and Abuse of Statistical Methods in the Earth Sciences. International Association of Mathematical Geologists, Studies in Mathematical Geology No. 1. New York: Oxford Press.

Harrell, J. A. 1988. Foreword. Facsimile edition of the Manual of Sedimentary Petrography by W. C. Krumbein and F. J. Pettijohn (1938).  Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists reprint series no. 13 (originally published by Appleton-Century Crofts, NY), p. v‑xi. [I initiated and supervised the republication of this book for SEPM] 

Harrell, J. A. and C. R. Twidale. 1989. Horizontal grooves in granite, western Wichita Mountains,  Oklahoma, U.S.A.  Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, v. 33, n. 2, p. 165‑178.

Harrell, J. A. and A. Kumar. 1989. Multivariate stepwise regression analysis of indoor radon data from  Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Official Statistics, v. 5, n. 4, p. 409‑420.

Popp, R. K., M. W. Phillips and J. A. Harrell. 1990. Mechanisms of ferric iron accommodation in amphiboles — evidence from Fe+3‑rich natural calcic and subcalcic varieties. American Mineralogist, v. 75, p. 163‑169.

Harrell, J. A., C. B. Hatfield and G. R. Gunn. 1991. The Mississippian System of the Michigan Basin —  stratigraphy, sedimentation and economic geology. In P. A. Catacosinos and P. A. Daniels, Jr. (eds.), Early Sedimentary Evolution of the Michigan Basin, p. 203-219. Geological Society of America Special Paper 256.

Harrell, J. A., M. E. Belsito and A. Kumar. 1991. Radon hazards associated with outcrops of Ohio Shale in Ohio. Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, v. 18, n. 1, p. 17-26.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1991. Megascopic classification of rocks. Journal of Geological Education, v. 39, p. 379-387.

Heydinger, A. G., A. Kumar and J. A. Harrell. 1991. Development of an indoor radon information system for database management (IRISDAT). Environmental Software, v. 6, n. 4, p. 194-201.

Harrell, J. A. 1993. Granite platforms of the western Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma — pediment outliers of the Southern High Plains in Texas and New Mexico. Journal of Geology, v. 101, p. 397-403 (abstract reprinted in Oklahoma Geology Notes, 1994, v. 54, no. 2, p. 80).

Harrell, J. A. 1993. Book review of "Principles of Sedimentary Deposits — Stratigraphy and Sedimentology" (by Friedman et al., 1992). Journal of Geological Education, v. 41, n. 4, p. 382.

Harrell, J. A., J. P. McKenna and A. Kumar. 1993. Geological controls on indoor radon in Ohio. Ohio Geological Survey, Report of Investigations No. 144, 36 p.

Kumar, A., J. A. Harrell and A. Heydinger. 2000. Development of an Ohio radon web site. Proceedings of the 1999 International Radon Symposium, Reno, NV, p. 6.0-6.9.

Kumar, A., J. A. Harrell and A. G. Heydinger. 2001. Ohio goes online to combat indoor radon. Environmental Manager, Feb. 2001 issue, p. 30-32.

Miller, H. M, J. A. Harrell and M. P. Angle. 2002. Ground Water Pollution Potential of Henry County, Ohio. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, Ground Water Pollution Potential Report No. 45.

Plymale, C. L., J. A. Harrell, M. P. Angle and M. Hallfrisch. 2002. Ground Water Pollution Potential of Fulton County, Ohio. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, Ground Water Pollution Potential Report No. 44.

Harrell, J. A., J. G. Dunn and J. W. Welshimer. 2006. Effect of crystal size on dolomite decrepitation in glass furnaces. Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology (Part A), v. 47, n. 6, p. 188-192.

Twidale, C. R. and J. A. Harrell. 2023. Flared slopes: the work of water or fire? Earth Science Reviews.

Manuscripts In Press or Accepted

Harrell, J. A. expected in 2024. Stones from below, above and beyond: studies in archaeological geology at Berenike. In S. E. Sidebotham and I. Zych (eds.), Berenike 2010-2011 -- Report on Two Seasons of Excavations at Berenike, including the Survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert and Reports on Earlier Work. Sydney: Sydney University Press.

Harrell, J. A. Egyptian travertine (calcite alabaster): ancient quarries and geology. expected in 2024. In S. J. Barker and S. Perna (eds.), Alabaster: an Interdisciplinary Study of the Sources and Uses of Calcite Alabaster Across Archaeological Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.

Prochaska, W., J. A. Harrell, S. Baker and S. Perna. expected in 2024. A multi-method approach for determining the provenance of ancient calcite alabaster. In S. J. Barker and S. Perna (eds.), Alabaster: an Interdisciplinary Study of the Sources and Uses of Calcite Alabaster Across Archaeological Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.

Perna, S., J. A. Harrell and S. J. Barker. expected in 2024. Alabaster: etymology, geological definition and terminology. In S. J. Barker and S. Perna (eds.), Alabaster: an Interdisciplinary Study of the Sources and Uses of Calcite Alabaster Across Archaeological Contexts. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.

Harrell, J. A. Book review of “Pierres de l'Egypte ancienne: Guide des materiaux de l'architecture, de la sculpture et de la joaillerie” (by T. De Putter and C. Karlshausen, 2022). Marmora.

Harrell, J. A. Geology of the Wadi el-Hudi area. In K. Liszka and M. Brand (eds.), A Survey of Wadi el-Hudi (vol. 1).

Harrell, J. A. Geology of the Napata area. A chapter in an untitled volume on the archaeological excavations and surveys at Gebel Barkal in northern Sudan (Timothy Kendall, editor).

Harrell, J. A. Geology. A chapter in an untitled volume on the archaeological survey of the Via Nova Hadriana, a Greco-Roman road crossing Egypt’s Eastern Desert (Steven Sidebotham, editor).

Harrell, J. A. Archaeological geology. A chapter in an untitled volume on the ancient gold-processing site of Hosh el-Guruf in northern Sudan (B. B. Williams and L. A. Heidorn, editors).

Harrell, J. A. Manufacturing metagreywacke bangles. submitted to Journal of Egyptian Archaeology.

Manuscripts Recently Submitted (0)

Word Wide Web Papers Published

Harrell, J. A. 2000. Comments on the geological evidence for the Sphinx's age: published on the world wide web in the "Genesis / Giza: the Truth" discussion site at

Harrell, J. A. 2004. “Discussion of ‘Authenticity examination of the inscription on the ossuary attributed to James, brother of Jesus’ by A. Ayalon, M. Bar-Matthews and Y. Goren (Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 2004, vol. 31, pp. 1185-1189)” on the web site for the Biblical Archaeology Society ( in its “Finds or Fakes?” section.

Harrell, J. A. 2004. “The ‘scientific’ approach to the detection of forgeries” on the web site for the Biblical Archaeology Society ( in its “Finds or Fakes?” section.

Published Abstracts and Presentations (78)

Harrell, J. A. 1971. Late Pleistocene terrace deposits, Newport Bay, California. Presentation at (1) 67th Annual Meeting of Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America, Riverside, California; and (2) 60th Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Norman, Oklahoma; and abstract in (1) Cordilleran Section of GSA 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 3, n. 2, p. 132; and (2) Bulletin of the Southern California Paleontological Society, 1971, v. 3, n. 7, p. 7.

Harrell, J. A. 1974. Mysterious grooved granite of the Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma. Abstract and cover photo in Oklahoma Geological Notes, v. 34, n. 5, p. 170.

Briskin, M. and J. A. Harrell. 1978. A new paleoclimatic tool — periodic regression. Presentation at winter CLIMAP meeting, February 22‑23, Lamont‑Doherty Geological Observatory, Palisades, New York; and abstract in the program for the CLIMAP meeting.

Harrell, J. A. 1980. Origin and modulation of episodes of continental glaciation. Presentation at 89th Annual Meeting of Ohio Academy of Science, Toledo, Ohio; and abstract in Ohio Journal of Science, 1980, v. 80, p. 31.

Rorick, A. and J. A. Harrell. 1983. Sediment dispersal patterns in the Marshall Formation (Mississippian) of the Michigan Basin. Presentation at 17th Annual Meeting of North‑Central Section, Geological Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin; and abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 15, n. 4, p. 253.

Harrell, J. A. 1983. Densitometric analysis of pore geometry in reservoir rocks (presentation only). Gordon Research Conference on 'Fluids in Permeable Media', July 24‑29, Tilton, New Hampshire.

Harrell, J. A. 1983 CORMAT. abstract in Journal of Geological Education, v. 31, n. 4, p. 321; and also in H. R. Burger (ed.), 1982, Catalog of Computer Programs Used in Undergraduate Geological  Education, p. 83-84. Smith College, Northhampton, Mass.

Harrell, J. A. 1984. Some new approaches to bivariate correlation analysis. Presentation at the symposium on "Use and Abuse of Statistical Methods in the Earth Sciences", 97th Annual National Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Reno, Nevada; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 16, n. 6, p. 530.

Harrell, J. A. 1985. Periodic regression — a new approach to the analysis of two dimensional grain shape. Presentation at 98th Annual National Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Orlando, Florida; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 17, n. 7, p. 604.

Harrell, J. A. 1986. Minimum compactional porosity — a new grain shape measure. Presentation at 95th Annual Meeting of Ohio Academy of Science, Toledo, Ohio; and abstract in Ohio Journal of Science, v. 86, p. 11

Dunkin, N. R., W. A. Kneller and J. A. Harrell. 1986. Influence of coal characteristics on the free‑swelling properties of selected Ohio coals. Presentation at 20th Annual Meeting of North‑Central Section, Geological Society of America, Kent, Ohio; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 18, n. 4, p. 287; and presentation at 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Organic Petrology, Lexington, Kentucky; abstract in 'Abstracts and Program', v. 3, p. 53‑55.

Harrell, J. A., and R. B. Braun. 1987. Roller micrometer analysis of grain size and shape sorting within sand laminae from lacustrine barrier islands. Presentation at the Annual National Meeting of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Los Angeles, CA; and abstract in Bulletin of American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 71, no. 5, p. 564.

Harrell, J. A. 1987. Granite platforms of the western Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma — pediment outliers of the Southern High Plains. Presentation at 99th Annual National Meeting of the Geological Society of  America, Phoenix, AZ; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 19, n. 7, p. 694; also in Oklahoma Geologic Notes, 1988, v. 48, n. 6, p. 257.

Belsito, M., J. A. Harrell, A. Kumar and J. Akkari. 1988. Radon hazards associated with outcrops of the Devonian Ohio Shale. Presentation at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the North‑Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Akron, OH; and abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 20, n. 5, p. 334.

Harrell, J. A. and C. R. Twidale. 1988. Horizontal grooves in granite, western Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma. Presentation at 100th Annual National Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, CO; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 20, n. 7, p. A284; also in Oklahoma Geologic Notes, 1989, v. 49, n. 2, p. 63.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1988. The oldest surviving geological map — the 1150 BC Turin papyrus from Egypt. Presentation at 100th Annual National Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Reno, NV; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 20, n. 7, p. A153 (selected by GSA for a special press release).

Harrell, J. A. 1989. Granite platforms of the western Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma. Extended abstract in  Oklahoma Geologic Notes, v. 49, n. 2, p. 30 and 67 plus cover photo.

Harrell, J. A. 1989. Grooved granites of the western Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma. Extended abstract in Oklahoma Geologic Notes, v. 49, n. 6, p. 198 and 246 plus cover photo.

Hume, D. S., S. L. Dean and J. A. Harrell. 1989. Radon occurrence along Upper Devonian‑Upper Middle Devonian outcrop belt in Erie, Huron and Seneca counties, Ohio. Presentation at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the North‑Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Notre Dame, IN; and abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 21, n. 4, p. 15.

Hume, D. S., S. L. Dean and J. A. Harrell. 1990. Systematic joint control on preglacial drainage in Erie and Huron counties, Ohio. Presentation at 24th Annual Meeting of North‑Central Section, Geological Society of America, Macomb, Illinois; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 22, n. 5, p. 15.

Walsh, H. T., S. L. Dean and J. A. Harrell. 1990. Radon occurrence in well water in the Bellefontaine area, Logan County, Ohio. Presentation at 24th Annual Meeting of North‑Central Section, Geological Society of America, Macomb, Illinois; abstract in `Abstracts with Programs', v. 22, n. 5, p. 48.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1990. Megascopic classification of rocks. Presentation at 24th Annual Meeting of North‑Central Section, Geological Society of America, Macomb, Illinois; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 22, n. 5, p. 4.

Harrell, J. A. 1990. The papyrus map of the gold mines and bekhen‑stone quarries (T.P. 1879, 1899 and 1969) — a reevaluation and new findings. Presentation at Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Berkeley, CA; abstract in 'Programs and Abstracts', p. 43.

Harrell, J. A. and J. P. McKenna. 1990. Geologic controls on indoor radon in Ohio. Presentation at 102nd Annual National Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Dallas, TX; abstract in `Abstracts with Programs', v. 22, n. 7, p. A21 (selected by GSA for a special press release).

Harrell, J. A. 1991. New findings at ancient Egyptian stone quarries. Presentation at 42nd annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Boston, MA; abstract in 'Programs and Abstracts', p. 41-42.

McKenna, J. P. and J. A. Harrell. 1991. A preliminary analysis of the association between geology and indoor radon. Presentation at 25th annual meeting of the North-Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Toledo, OH; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 23, n. 3, p. A47.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1991. An ancient Egyptian anorthosite gneiss quarry in the Nubian Desert — petrology and archeology. Presentation at 103rd annual national meeting of the Geological Society of America, San Diego, CA; abstract in `Abstracts with Programs', v. 23, n. 5, p. A253 (selected by GSA for a special press release and an article in the meeting Newsletter, "Down to Earth").

Harrell, J. A. 1991. Ancient Egyptian limestone quarries — a petrological survey. Presentation at specialty conference on "Archaeological stone: scientific and technical studies", British Museum, London, Great Britain; abstract in 'Abstracts', p. 14.

Muller, B., S. L. Dean and J. A. Harrell. 1992. Geology and radon gas in ground water in parts of Delaware, Marion, and Morrow counties, Ohio. Presentation at 26th annual meeting of the North-Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Iowa City, IA; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 24, no. 4, p. A56.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1992. Petrological survey of ancient Roman quarries in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Presentation at 104th annual national meeting of the Geological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 24, n. 7, p. A26-A27 (selected by GSA for a special press release and an article in the meeting Newsletter, "Down to Earth").

Harrell, J. A. 1993. Topographical and petrological survey of ancient Egyptian quarries. Presentation at 44th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Baltimore, MD; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 35-36.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1993. Topographical and petrological survey of ancient Roman quarries in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Presentation at international meeting of the Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity, Athens, Greece; abstract in 'Abstracts', p. 10.

Harrell, J. A. and T. M. Bown. 1994. An Old Kingdom basalt quarry at Widan el-Faras and the quarry road to Lake Moeris in the Faiyum. Presentation at the 45th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Toronto, ON; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 39-40.

Bown, T. M., J. A. Harrell, G. A. Conero and S. E. Cornero. 1994. The oldest flagstone road in the world — access to Old Kingdom basalt quarries, northern Fayum depression, Egypt. Presentation at the 46th annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, Durango, CO; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 26, no. 6, p. 5.

Harrell, J. A. 1994. King Mountain, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geologic Notes, v. 54, n. 4, p. 138 and cover photo.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1995. Discovery of the source of tuff and tuffaceous limestone used for Early Dynastic vessels — the Gebel Manzal el-Seyl quarry in the Eastern Desert. Presentation at 46th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Atlanta, GA; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 39.

Harrell, J. A., V. M. Brown and L. Lazzarini. 1995. Wadi Maghrabiya and Wadi Umm Huyut — newly discovered Roman ornamental-stone quarries in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Presentation at 4th international conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Bordeaux, France; abstract in 'Programme et Résumés', p. 163.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1995. Archaeological geology of the Gebel Manzal el-Seyl quarry, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Presentation at annual national meeting of the Geological Society of America, New Orleans, LA; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 27, no. 6, p. A-416 (selected by GSA for mention in its 'News Release' entitled "Meeting Highlights").

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1996. Three newly discovered Roman quarries in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Presentation at 47th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, St. Louis, MO; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 42-43.

Harrell, J. A. 1996. The Napatan-Meroitic quarry at Tumbos on the Third Nile Cataract, northern Sudan. Presentation at 8th international Conference for Meroitic Studies, London, UK; abstract in 'Pre-prints of the Main Papers and Abstracts', p. 140-141.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1996. Roman quarrying and rock sawing in Wadi Umm Shegilat, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Presentation at annual national meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, CO; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 28, n. 7, p. A-88 (selected by GSA for mention in its 'News Release' entitled "Meeting Highlights").

Harrell, J. A. 1997. The Tumbos quarry at the Third Nile Cataract, northern Sudan. Presentation at 48th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Ann Arbor, MI; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 33.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1997. Petrology of the ancient Egyptian "granite" quarries at Aswan, Egypt. Presentation at annual national meeting of the Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 29, n. 6, p. A-145.

Harrell, J. A. 1998. Reuse of ancient stones in the medieval Islamic buildings of Cairo. Presentation at 49th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Los Angeles, CA; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 35-36.

Harrell, J. A., A. Kumar and A. G. Heydinger. 1998. Geological controls on indoor radon in Ohio revisited. Presentation at the 32nd annual meeting of the North‑Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Columbus, OH; and abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 30, n. 2, p. 21-22.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1998. Rock sawing at a Roman diorite quarry, Wadi Umm Shegilat, Egypt. Presentation at 5th international conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA; abstract in 'Abstracts' (no page num.).

Harrell, J. A. and L. Lazzarini. 1998. A new variety of granito bianco e nero from Wadi Barud, Egypt. Presentation at 5th international conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA; abstract in 'Abstracts' (no page num.).

Harrell, J. A. 1998. The Napatan-Meroitic quarry at Daygah on the Fourth Nile Cataract, northern Sudan. Presentation at 9th international conference of the Society for Nubian Studies, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA; abstract in 'Abstracts of Papers', p. 67.

Harrell, J. A. and M. D. Lewan. 1998. Ancient petroleum wells at Gebel Zeit, Egypt. Presentation at annual national meeting of the Geological Society of America, Toronto, ON; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 30, n. 7, p. A-17.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 1999. Discovery of a Late Period naos quarry in Rod el-Gamra, Egypt. Presentation at 50th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Chicago, IL; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 37-38.

Harrell, J. A. and V. M. Brown. 2000. Discovery of a steatite baram industry of the medieval Islamic period in Egypt's Eastern Desert. Presentation at 51st annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Berkeley, CA; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 39-40.

Harrell, J. A. and M. D. Lewan. 2000. Ancient petroleum seep at Gebel Zeit, Egypt. Presentation at 51st annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Berkeley, CA; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 40-41.

Harrell, J. A., L. Lazzarini and M. Bruno. 2000. Reuse of ancient ornamental stones in medieval Cairo, Egypt. Presentation at 6th international conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, Venice, Italy; abstract in 'Abstracts' (no page num.).

Harrell, J. A., V. M. Brown and L. Lazzarini. 2000. Breccia verde antica: source, petrology and uses. Presentation at 6th international conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, Venice, Italy; abstract in 'Abstracts' (no page num.).

Brown, V. M., J. A. Harrell and L. Lazzarini. 2000. Hexecontalithos – a volcanoclastic metaconglomerate from ancient Egypt. Presentation at annual national meeting of the Geological Society of America, Reno, NV; abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 32, n. 7, p. A-275.

Ianev, R., J. A. Harrell and V. M. Brown. 2001. Origin of opal cement in Pennsylvanian Minnelusa sandstone. Presentation at the 35th Annual Meeting of the North‑Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Bloomington-Normal, IN, OH; and abstract in 'Abstracts with Programs', v. 33, n. 4, p. A-17.

Harrell, J. A. 2001. Discovery of Roman quarries in the Eastern Desert's Wadi Abu Gerida and Wadi Abu Bokari. Presentation at 52nd annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Providence, RI; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 40-41.

Harrell, J. A. 2002. Sources and uses of metaconglomerate from Wadi Hammamat. Presentation at 53rd annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Baltimore, MD; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 49-50.

Harrell, J. A. 2003. Discovery of a Late Predynastic-Roman cemetery, settlement and quarry at Gebel Umm Naqqat, Eastern Desert. Presentation at 54th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Atlanta, GA; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 45-46.

Harrell, J. A. 2003. A granodiorite quarry of Ptolemaic-Roman age in Wadi Abu Bokari, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Presentation at 7th international conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Thasos, Greece; abstract in 'Book of Abstracts', p. 16.

Storemyr, P., T. Heldal, E. Bloxam and J. A. Harrell. 2003. New evidence of Roman quarrying from the El-Minya basalt flow, Tilal Sawda, Middle Egypt. Presentation at 7th international conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, Thasos, Greece; abstract in 'Book of Abstracts', p. 95.

Harrell, J. A. 2003. Oxygen isotopes and the James ossuary. Presentation at annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, GA; no abstract.

Harrell, J. A. and E. G. Bloxam. 2004. Stela Ridge carnelian mine, Nubian Desert. Presentation at 55th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Tucson, AZ; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 52.

Harrell, J. A. 2004. The ‘scientific’ approach to the detection of forgeries. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX; no abstract.

Harrell, J. A. and D. Godfrey-Smith. 2005. Origin, destruction and restoration of color in Egyptian travertine. Presentation at 56th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Boston, MA; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 52-53.

Sidebotham, S. E. and J. A. Harrell. 2006. Survey of the Ptolemaic-Early Roman amethyst quarries in Wadi Abu Diyeiba, Eastern Desert. Presentation at 57th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Jersey City, NJ; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 82-83.

Harrell, J. A. 2007. Discovery of ancient amazonite quarries in the Eastern Desert: presentation at 58th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Toledo, OH; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 51.

Harrell, J. A. 2008. New discoveries at two Dynastic chert quarries. Presentation at 59th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Seattle, WA; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 54-55.

Harrell, J. A. 2009. Dolerite pounders for quarrying and dressing hard stones in Dynastic Egypt. Presentation at 60th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Dallas, TX; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 50-51.

Harrell, J. A. 2011. Discovery of an ancient peridot mine on Egypt’s Zabargad Island (Red Sea). Presentation at 62nd annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Chicago, IL; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 50-51.

Thoresen, L. and J. A. Harrell. 2011. Archaeogemology of peridot. Presentation at the annual International Gemological Symposium of the Gemological Institute of America in Carlsbad, CA; abstract in Gems and Gemology, v. 47, Summer 2011, p. 121-122.

Harrell, J. A. and E. G. Bloxam. 2012. The Wadi Hammamat Quarryscapes Survey. Presentation at 63rd annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Providence, RI; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 42-43.

Harrell, J. A. 2013. The ancient quarries survey: new discoveries in the Eastern Desert and Nile Valley. Presentation at 64th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Cincinnati, OH; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 42.

Harrell, J. A. and R. Mittelstaedt. 2014. The El Hisnein site: discovery of two Middle Kingdom forts near Aswan, Egypt. Presentation at 13th International Conference for Nubian Studies, University of Neuchatel, 1-6 September 2014; abstract in 'Abstracts of Papers at the 13th International Conference for Nubian Studies, p. 90.

Harrell, J. A. 2015. Newly discovered Middle Kingdom forts in the Eastern Desert south of Aswan. Presentation at 66th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Houston, TX; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 45-46.

Harrell, J. A. 2016. Carnelian and gypsum: newly discovered sources for ancient Egypt. Presentation at 67th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Atlanta, GA; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 44-45.

Harrell, J. A. 2017. New discoveries in ancient limestone quarries at Fatira, Hatnub and Tura-Masara. Presentation at 68th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Kansas City, MO; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 49.

Harrell, J. A. 2019. Travertine (oriental alabaster) from Egypt: its geology, and its ancient sources and uses. Presentation at 'Alabaster': An Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Sources and Uses of Calcite-Alabaster Across Archaeological Contexts, Norwegian Institute in Rome, Italy; abstract in 'Program and Abstracts', p. 6.

Other Publications (12)

MS Thesis:

Relative Mechanical Durabilities of Quartz and Feldspar (128 p., supervised by Dr. Harvey Blatt, 1976).

PhD Dissertation:

Grain Size and Shape Distributions, Grain Packing, and Pore Geometry Within Sand Laminae - Characterization and Methodologies (583 p., supervised by Drs. Wayne Pryor and Paul Potter, 1983).


Anderhalt, R., D. Guy and J. A. Harrell. 1983. Aspects of the sedimentary geology along the southeastern shore of Lake Erie. Field trip guidebook for the 5th Annual Ohio Sedimentary Geology Field Conference, April 15‑16, 23 p.

Harrell, J. A. 1984. Bivariate Regression and Correlation Analyses in Geology. Short course notes for the 2nd Annual Combined Meeting of the Ohio and Michigan Sections of the American Institute of  Professional Geologists, April 6‑7, Toledo, Ohio, 190 p.

Harrell, J. A. 1985. A `Partial' Introduction to Multivariate Geological Statistics. Textbook for Geology 450/650, Univ. of Toledo, Dept. of Geology publication, 384 p.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1985‑89. Manual for the University of Toledo Geology Summer Field Camp, Black Hills, South Dakota. Textbook for Geology 365/665, Univ. of Toledo, Dept. of Geology publication, 5 vol's, 688 p. total.

Harrell, J. A. and A. Kumar. 1988. Radon Hazards Associated with Outcrops of the Devonian Ohio Shale. Final report for a grant awarded by the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, 164 p.

Kumar, A., A. G. Heydinger and J.A. Harrell. 1990. Development of an Indoor Radon Information System for Ohio and its Application in the Study of the Geology of Radon in Ohio. Final report for a grant awarded by the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, 201 p.

Harrell, J. A. (ed.). 1990. Geoscientists in Ohio's Colleges, Universities, Museums and government — a Source Book. University of Toledo, Dept. of Geology publication, 70 p.

Brown, V. M. and J. A. Harrell. 1992. QBasic, BASICA & GW-BASIC — A Teaching Syllabus and Quick Reference Guide. Textbook for Geology 614, Univ. of Toledo, Dept. of Geology publication, 263 p.

 Harrell, J. A. (ed.). 1993. List of Master of Science Theses and Doctoral Dissertations in Geology for Degrees Awarded at Ohio Universities. University of Toledo, Dept. of Geology publication, 250 p.  


Water and Mineral Resources and the Environment (GEOL 122 [GE]) — introduction to water and mineral resources and the environmental problems associated with them. Taught ’79-’81 & ’84-’85.

Geoscience Concepts (GEOL 211, originally "Earth Science and Man" [GE]) — introduction to physical and historical geology for education majors. Taught ’80, ’82 & ’84.

Geochemistry of Sediments and Natural Waters (GEOL 604 [G]) — introduction to low-temperature, inorganic chemistry of sediments and water. Taught ’81 & ’83.

Physical Sedimentation (GEOL 623 [G]) — advanced topics in sedimentology. Taught ’80, ’82 & ’84.

Summer Field Camp (GEOL 365/665 [B & G]) — geology field camp in the Black Hills, SD. Taught ’83-’88.

Geocomputing (GEOL 614 [G]) — originally Fortran and later QBasic/Visual Basic programming with microcomputers. Taught ’83-’87, ’91-’92 & ’94.

Sedimentary Petrology and Petrography (GEOL 402/621 [G]) — advanced topics in sedimentary petrology. Taught ’79, ’81-’86, ’88 & ’92.

General Petrology (GEOL 418/618 [B]) – introduction to the study of rocks in thin sections and hand specimens. Taught ’95-’97.

Honors Field Seminar:  the Grand Canyon region (GEOL 485 [H] and GEOL 490-23/692-24 [B & G]) — seminar on the geology of northern Arizona and field trip to the Grand Canyon region. Taught ’94-’95.

Geology Seminar (EEES 6990 [G]) — survey of research methods. Taught ’97-’01.

Honors Seminar: the Archaeological Geology of Ancient Egypt (HON 4960 [B]) — survey of the geology and ancient history of Egypt, with particular emphasis on the ancient sources and uses of rocks, minerals and other geological materials, and the ancient technologies applied to these materials. Taught ’02-’03.

Honors Seminar: the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt (HON 4960 [B]) — survey of the history and archaeological remains of ancient Egypt. Taught ’05.

Physical Geology (originally GEOL 100, later EEES 1010 [GE]) — introduction to physical geology for Arts and Sciences College majors. Taught ’94-’99, ’01-’03 & ’06. 

Physical Geology Laboratory (EEES 1020) — responsible for designing the curriculum, writing and updating the laboratory manual, and supervising the graduate teaching assistants for 10-15 sections each term. Supervised ’94-’09.  

Geologic Hazards and the Environment (originally GEOL 121, 201 and 2010, later EEES 1050 [GE]) — introduction to hazardous geologic processes such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, indoor radon and others (every fall semester). Taught ’79-’83, ’85-’99 & ’01-’08.

Megascopic Petrology (EEES 2220 [B])  — introduction to the identification and description of rocks in hand specimens. Taught ’98-’08.

Microscopic Petrology  (EEES 4010 [B]) — introduction to the study of rocks in thin section. Taught ’98-’01, ’03, ’05 & ’07.

Multivariate Geostatistics (originally 450/650, later EEES 6500/8500 [G]) — introduction multivariate statistical methods, including regression and correlation analyses, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and principal components analysis, and their applications in science. Taught ’80-’81, ’83-’91, ’95-’97, ’99-’01, ’03 & ’06-’08.

Earth Materials II: Part I, Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks (EEES 3220 [B]) — introduction to the megascopic description and interpretation of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Taught ’09.

[Abbreviations for course type: GE, undergraduate General Education (non-majors); B & G, upper division undergraduate Baccalaureate and Graduate; G, Graduate only; and H, upper division undergraduate Honors students only.]


Kreutzfeld, J.: Pore geometry and permeability of the St. Peter Sandstone in the Illinois Basin (completed spring quarter 1982)

Rorick, A.: Sediment dispersal patterns and provenance of the Marshall Formation (Mississippian), Michigan Basin (completed winter quarter 1983).

Cousino, M.: Pore geometry and reservoir characteristics of the Kirkwood Sandstone (Mississippian) in southern Illinois (completed summer quarter 1986).

Swanson, M.: Granite platforms of the Lake Altus area, western Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma (completed winter quarter 1987).

Dickert, D.: The densitometric, electrochemical and mercury injection analysis of pore geometry in a heterogeneous sandstone suite (completed spring quarter 1989; winner of the 1989 Outstanding Geology Thesis Award).

Walsh, T.: Radon gas in the ground water of the Bellefontaine Outlier area, Logan, Hardin, Champaign and Union counties, Ohio (completed fall quarter 1990; co-advised with Dr. Stuart Dean; winner of the 1990 Outstanding Geology Thesis Award)

Hume, D.: Relationship of photogeological lineaments and fracture traces in the Ohio Shale (Devonian) to radon gas occurrences in ground water in parts of Erie and Huron counties, Ohio (completed winter quarter 1991; co-advised with Dr. Stuart Dean; winner of the 1991 Outstanding Geology Thesis Award).

McKenna, J.: Geology of radon in Ohio (completed fall quarter 1991).

Muller, B.: Geology and radon gas in ground water in parts of Delaware, Franklin and Morrow counties, Ohio (completed spring quarter 1992; co-advised with Dr. Stuart Dean).

Stewart, R.: Geology and radon gas in ground water in parts of Crawford, Marion and Morrow counties, Ohio (completed summer quarter 1993; co-advised with Dr. Stuart Dean).

Lu, J.: Hydrogeology and geochemistry of Limestone Ridge near Carey, Ohio (completed spring quarter 1994; co-advised with Dr. Lon Ruedisili).

Zhou, X.: New approaches to analyzing statistical correlations between geological variables (completed spring quarter 1994).

Connors, T.: Phanerozoic history of the northern Black Hills, South Dakota, as revealed by sandstone petrography (completed summer quarter 1996).

Miller, H.: Evaluation of the ground-water pollution potential of Henry County, Ohio, using the DRASTIC mapping system (completed winter quarter 1997).

Plymale, C.: Evaluation of the ground-water pollution potential of Fulton County, Ohio, using the DRASTIC mapping system (completed spring semester 1999).

Ianev, R.: Origin of opal cement in the Pennsylvanian Minnelusa Sandstone, northern Black Hills, South Dakota (completed fall semester 2001; co-advised with Dr. Max Brown).

Sokoloski, P.: Sedimentology and petrography of the Aladdin Sandstone (Early Ordovician), northern Black Hills, South Dakota (completed spring semester 2005; co-advised with Dr. Max Brown).


1. "Radon Hazards Associated with Outcrops of the Devonian Ohio Shale"; J.A. Harrell and A. Kumar, co-principal investigators; $37,852 awarded by the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority for June 1987-June 1988.

2. "Development of a Comprehensive Radon Database for Ohio - the Indoor Radon Information System (IRIS)"; A. Kumar, A.G. Heydinger and J.A. Harrell, co-principal investigators; $43,614 awarded by the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority for June 1989-June 1990.

3. "The Petrology of Stones Used in Ancient Egyptian Sculptures and Monuments"; J.A. Harrell and V.M. Brown, co-principal investigators; $12,000 awarded by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation for June 1989-September 1991, and $1500 awarded by the Martin Marietta Corp. ($13,500 total) in 1990.

4. "Investigation of Sources of Ancient Egyptian Stones in the Eastern Desert of Egypt"; J.A. Harrell; $4,000 awarded by the American Philosophical Society for summer 1995.

5. "World Wide Web Site for Ohio Indoor Radon"; A. Kumar, A.G. Heydinger and J.A. Harrell, co-principal investigators; $147,000 awarded by the Ohio Department of Health for February 1997-October 2002.


1. Petrology of stones used in ancient Egyptian sculptures and monuments, and the geoarchaeology of the quarries from which these stones were obtained. Quarries included date mainly from the Dynastic/Pharaonic and Greco-Roman periods, but also from the medieval Islamic period. It is expected that this research will lead to the publication of a reference book entitled "Rocks and Minerals of Ancient Egypt: Varieties, Sources, Uses and Technologies". To date I have made 38 trips to Egypt in support of this research [in '89 twice, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, '00, '01 twice, '02, '03, '04, '05, '06, '07, '08, '09, '10 twice, '11, '12, '13 twice, '14 twice, '15 twice, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20 and '21] and I plan to do another trip in winter 2023.

2. Archaeological geology of the Greco-Roman port city of Berenike on the southeastern Red Sea coast of Egypt. I am serving as the site geologist on a joint U.S.-Polish (originally Dutch) excavation that will continue for several more years. The Berenike excavations went inactive in 2001 and resumed in 2009. To date I have made 7 trips to Berenike [in '95, '96, '97, '99, '01, '19 and '20] and to Coptos (Qift) [in '02] in support of this research. 

3. Archaeological geology of New Kingdom and Napatan-Meroitic quarries and mines in northern Sudan. To date I have made 5 trips to Sudan in support of this research [in '96, '97,  '07, '08 and '18].

4. Archaeological geology of the Sabaean temples in Marib, Yemen, and the nearby quarries. To date I have made 1 trip to Yemen in support of this research [in '06].

5. Archaeological geology of the Himyarite and medieval Islamic fortress settlement site of Jurash in southwestern Saudi Arabia (Asir Province). To date I have made 1 trip to Saudi Arabia in support of this research [in '09].


University of Toledo Service

1. Chairman of the Department of Geology at the University of Toledo (1985 to 1994)

2.  President of the University of Toledo chapter of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society (1998 to 1999)

3.  Graduate Adviser and Teaching Assistantship Coordinator for geology students in the Departments of Geology (1980-1999), and Earth, Ecological and Environmental Sciences [later Environmental Sciences] (2000 to 2006)

4.  Chair of the Graduate Affairs Committee, and Teaching Assistantship Budget and Work Assignment Coordinator for the entire graduate program in the Department of Environmental Sciences (2007 to 2009)

5.  Chair of the Departmental Personnel Committee in the Departments of Geology (1994 to 1999), and Earth, Ecological and Environmental Sciences [later Environmental Sciences] (2000 to 2009)

6.  Editor of the Alumni Newsletter (1995 to present)

Professional Service

1.  Associate Editor for Research Methods Papers, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology (1985 to 1990)

2.  Secretary and Treasurer of the International Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity (1998 to 2006)

3.  National lecturer for the Archaeological Institute of America (1999 to 2001)

4.  National "Distinguished Lecturer" for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2002)

5.  Member of the Editorial Board of MAMORA, International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones (2005 to 2024)

6.  Member of the Editorial Board of PALARCH’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology (2005 to 2015)

7.  Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture (2016-2020)

Community Service

1.  President of the Toledo Society, a chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (1999 to 2005, 2007 to 2013), and Immediate-Past-President, Trustee and Lecture Program Coordinator (2013 to present)


1.  Awarded the 1995 "Outstanding Faculty Research Award" by the University of Toledo

2.  Awarded the 1999 "Distinguished Doermann Lectureship" by the University of Toledo 


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